The Price of Paradise: Part 1

My husband, Steve, and I were recently involved in a hostage situation.

It didn’t involve guns or terrorists.

It did, however, involve intimidation tactics, guilt, and mind games.

Tom, our captor, led us down a hallway to a small room.

He gave us water.

Sparkling water, because we were high-end hostages.

Tom told us to sit down.

In a little bit, he’d be taking us somewhere else, but for now, he just wanted to get to know us.

Tom didn’t want to hurt us.

Tom wanted the best for us.

Tom wanted to sell us a timeshare.

Of course, we had no intention of buying, as we told the salesperson who first contacted us.

“I think you’ll change your mind when you see what we have to offer,” the salesperson replied.

Then he offered us four nights at a beautiful Hawaiian resort, with the agreement that we attend a 2-hour timeshare presentation.

But timeshare hours do not move at a normal pace.

One timeshare hour = one gazillion regular hours.

Before the presentation, Steve and I roleplayed different scenarios and practiced our assertive NOs!

“No means NO!” I shouted.

“Maybe a little less crazy,” Steve said.

“We’re not interested,” I stated firmly.

Steve gave me the thumbs up.

“And don’t forget,” Steve added. “The salesperson is going to try and connect with whichever one of us he thinks is the weakest link.”

Steve and I both pointed at each other and then spent the next 20 minutes arguing over who was the weakest link.

We weren’t off to a great start.

Ten minutes into the presentation, Tom turned to me and said, “January, I can tell this location is going to be perfect for you.”

Steve coughed, Weakest Link.

We headed over to the two-bedroom unit that Tom thought would be ideal for our family. Taking a seat at the kitchen table, Tom pointed to one bedroom. “Now, January, that’s the master for you and Steve.” He then pointed to the other room. “And this one would be perfect for Quincey and Colby.”

I gave him my children’s names?

Please don’t tell Quincey.

“It’s a nice timeshare,” I said.

“January, this is not a timeshare, this is VACATION OWNERSHIP,” Tom stated. “There’s a big difference.”

Then he went on to NOT explain the difference but he did continue to use my name in every sentence.

Did Tom think I didn’t know my own name?

As he spoke, Tom locked eyes with mine with such intensity that I couldn’t look away.

Was Tom a Timeshare Wizard?

“January, you know who’s really going to enjoy this place,” Tom said, pausing dramatically. “Holland!”

I told him about my granddaughter? 

Definitely don’t tell Quincey.

“We have an amazing pool,” Tom said. “Holland is going to love the waterslide!”

“She’s only 15 months,” Steve said.

“17 months,” Tom and I both corrected him.

I looked at my watch. 

Just one gazillion hours to go.

Tom walked us back to the main office. “January, this really is an unbelievable opportunity,” he said. “EVERYONE who has come in today has bought a place!”

Not everyone, Tom.

“Why don’t we go look at some numbers.” He led us down a series of stairways and through a maze of intricate halls. 

Clearly, Tom was taking us to the cavernous depths of timeshare vacation ownership Hell.

Steve and I took a seat in the office. Tom pointed to the people on his computer enjoying their luxurious vacations, and added that we were “just a signature away!”

Steve and I shared a sideways glance.

Tom didn’t intimidate us. 

Sure, he was tall and most likely a wizard, but it was 2 vs 1.

There was no way he was going to talk us into buying.

Then the door opened…

(The Price of Paradise: Part 2 will be posted tomorrow.)

18 thoughts on “The Price of Paradise: Part 1”

    1. Lorraine Moustakakis

      We’ve been there and done that. Although it was so many years ago, I still remember the feelings of intense anxiety while being subjected to “timeshare torture.” I loved what you said about one regular hour being equivalent to a gazillion time share hours. So funny, and it really tells it like it is. Can’t wait to read the next one!

  1. Who-eee, it’s been a long time since I’ve sat through one of these, but I remember it well and feel your pain! Totally below the belt, Tom dragging Holland into this. Can’t wait to see what happens next!

  2. Reading this while at a timeshare in Flagstaff – timing is perfect! 15 messages from a guy named Mark on the phone (red light blinking) wanting to give us $200. off our jeep tour (I’m not biting). This story is perfection January!

  3. I think we have all been in this situation. We all think we will say no so we can get the highly discounted product. And then if you escape…..with your wallet intact….you say, I will never do this again! Ever!! Lol, can’t wait to read the second half!!

  4. I was giggling the whole way through!! And I can totally see you and Steve arguing (in fun) about which one is the weakest link! Can’t wait for part 2!

  5. So totally relatable! We had the same experience in Cabo. I can’t wait to see what happens. I know you are not the weakest link.

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