January Gordon Ornellas

“January is the cool, funny best friend you can count on to make you laugh in every inappropriate situation, and find all the unexpected humor in growing older.” – Tracy Beckerman, Nationally Syndicated Columnist, Best Selling Author of Lost in Suburbia, Rebel without a Minivan, and Barking at the Moon

“January Ornellas finds the funny in life’s ordinary moments. But there’s nothing ordinary about her writing. She shows an uncommon flair for weaving amusing tales of family life that strike a universal chord.” – Teri Rizvi, Founder/ Director, Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop, Author of One Heart With Courage

“January Ornellas is one of those writers that doesn’t have to try too hard to be funny. She just naturally is. Her observations and descriptions are just HILARIOUS. January finds humor in everyday things, and it is much appreciated. She is a creative writer and, in turn, a master storyteller. Everything that January writes puts a smile on my face and makes me laugh out loud. I am hiring her to write my obituary.” – Kat Akcakanat, Author/ Blogger of Out of My Head!

“January’s humor is delicious, fearless, and far-reaching. She’s the super cool but self-deprecating friend you had in high school who managed to make everything funny. January will help you embrace the absurdities of life as she expertly transforms each mundane, aggravating, or embarrassing moment into a hilarious story. You will no doubt see yourself (or someone you know) in every chuckle.” – Luann McKenzie, Editor/ Writer

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