Important notice: This is not a story based on scripture and/or the end of times. It is about the interesting things we’ve discovered about one another during this quarantine.
Here’s what we learned about Parker:
Parker: (the youngest member of the nest) has an affiity for weeds.
No, not weed!
WEEDS! The cockroaches of the plant kingdom.
“Ugh,” I said one morning, as Parker and I headed down our street. “I hate all these stupid weeds.”
She peered at the stems sprouting through the asphalt. “I think they look nice.”
“Seriously?” I said.
“They’re green, they’re growing, what’s not to like?”
“They’re weeds,” I said.
Clearly, I’ve stated my case.
“They’re nature,” she countered. “They make the sidewalk more colorful.”
Well, isn’t she the eternal optimist.
I shouldn’t be surprised. Her childhood nickname was Sunshine because of her positive outlook on life. (Ironically, her sister Quincey, who found her moody and oversensitive, suggested we call her “Dark Cloud.” But that’s a story for another time.)
When we got home, I thought it would be fun to play a little prank.
I picked a bunch of weeds, put them in a vase, and set them on Parker’s dresser.
Joke’s on her!
A few hours later, when she discovered them in her room, she smiled and said, “Thanks for the flowers.”
They’re WEEDS!
That was a week ago.
The wilted mess now sits in a pool of dirty vase water.
Surely, she’ll want to be rid of them by now.
“How you liking your weeds?” I asked, passing by her room.
“Love ‘em!” she said.
This went on for several days.
Each day, the stems a little slimier, the water a little murkier.
I fear we’ve created a new ecosystem.
“I think they’re still looking great!” She said, smiling. “Thanks, Mom.”
This morning, I tossed the bio-hazard bouquet in the garbage and washed the rotten weed water down the drain.
So I guess…
Joke’s on me!
On the bright side, Parker’s future boyfriends are going to save a lot of money on flowers.
Check out tomorrow’s revelation:
Love your story!

“Bio hazard bouquet”

She sounds like my son.
Another great read, January!
Atta girl, Parker! Weeds need love too

Atta girl, January! Keep those family revelations comin’! Thanks for the splash of fun in my otherwise dreary email line-up
I’m totally with Parker on this one!!
I love Parker’s affinity for all things living!
I kind of like the weeds in the sidewalk too! Can’t wait for the next family revelation!!
Love this! This describes Parker beautifully! Optimistic and kind. Keep up saving the weeds! Can’t wait for more family
, isn’t that usually what happens when we try to play a joke on someone. Smh!
Thank you 
Love Parker’s positive attitude about everything!! Weed flower bouquets! Gotta love it! Love that kid!!!