Peppermint Patty

Eight weeks before we went on vacation, where I would be required to wear a bathing suit (sad face), I told myself, “You can do this! You can lose 8 pounds in 8 weeks!”

Eight days before we left, I reminded myself, “You can do this! You can lose 10 pounds in 8 days!” 

The problem was that we had friends visiting the weekend before we left. 

Forget sugar and carbs. Let’s blame the friends.

“Hey, guys, who’s feeling broccoli this weekend?” I asked the group.

(Spoiler Alert: No one.)

So I went to Costco to pick out delicious snacks, like the gigantic container of Peanut M&Ms that beckoned me from Aisle 9. “I love you, too,” I whispered, before fleeing. Trust me, I cannot be alone in a room with Peanut M&Ms.

Only one of us is coming out alive.

I scanned the aisle for something less tempting, which is how I ended up with a 2 pound bag of White Chocolate Peppermint Pretzel Crisps. 

Pretzels are annoyingly salty, peppermint is meh, and white chocolate is chocolate’s less ethnic, boring cousin.

Folks, we have a winner.

With 7 days and 11 pounds to lose, it was important that I stay the course. 

It was all going so well until Saturday Night Skip-Bo (I don’t need to tell you how wild our night was), when I broke out the WCPPC.

“Mmm,” everyone murmured. “These are delicious.”

I rolled my eyes. 

Seriously, how delicious could they really be? 

I took a bite.

I think the best way to describe it, without sounding weird, is like the beginning of a relationship, when you’re so in love you can’t keep your hands off each other.

I mean, technically, Pretzel Crisps don’t have hands, so I guess I was the only handsy one.

Let’s just say that we had a good weekend together.

And then a few good days after that.

But I knew I had to stop because I still had to lose 13 pounds in 4 days, and I was becoming concerned that I might not achieve my goal.

That night, I handed Steve the bag. “You need to hide these from me.”

He shrugged. “Okay.”

Two hours later, I walked into the kitchen and there the bag sat, on the counter.

Remind me not to play Hide and Seek with this guy.

“Steve!” I yelled.

“What?” He asked, walking into the kitchen.

I finished chewing. “I told you to hide these.”

“Oh, yeah, I forgot.”

After we said our goodbyes, Steve took the WCPPC and hid them.

In his office.

I know this because that’s where I found them the next day.

Trust me, I didn’t want to find them, but then I thought of the saying,  If you love something, set it free. If it returns, it was meant to be.

Obviously we were meant to be together because there they were, on the top shelf, inside Steve’s glass cabinet. 

Apparently Steve thinks I can’t see through glass. 

Sheesh, Buddy, I’m not that blind.

(Although I did recently apply a firming foot cream to my face. WHY DO THEY HAVE TO WRITE SO DAMN SMALL? IF I’M AT THE AGE THAT MY FACE REQUIRES FIRMING, WRITE BIGGER!) 

I marched right into the other room and let Steve have it.

I may have also had a quick snack.

“You have to hide these, so I won’t ever find them!” I told him.

And he did.

I mean, he really hid them.

Trust me, I looked everywhere.

But the good news is now I could lose those 15 pounds in 3 days.

A few days later, on our tropical vacation 4,000 miles from home, I told our friends how WCPPC had completely derailed me. “If it wasn’t for those damn pretzel chips, I’d have a beach bod right now,” I said.

Then we laughed and laughed.

“You mean these pretzel chips?” my friend Lisa said, pointing to a bag on the counter.

Steve smiled.

I’m going to kill that guy.

Right after I have a quick snack.

16 thoughts on “Peppermint Patty”

  1. Lol 😂 too funny!! Stick with the peanut m&m’s!! Those peppermint pretzels are delicious 😋 loved this story so much!!

  2. So funny ( not really) how the lbs to lose went up as the number of weeks went down. I’m planning a vacation in January. Remind me to stay away from that bag of pretzels!!

    1. So funny…I seriously think that this is one of your best stories ever! I’m at the hair salon now and I was getting weird looks because I was cracking up so much. Who needs a beach bod? Pass me both the PB m&m’s and the WCPPC’s 😂 And I agree with you – why is the small print on products getting smaller? Thanks so much for such a hilarious story.

  3. 😂😂So, would you like to meet chocolate-drizzled banana chips? They’re WCPPC’s lighter, healthier cousin. This was SO funny, January. Thanks for the afternoon laugh!

  4. Reminds me of the once a year chipped beef dip that my husband makes for Thanksgiving, sounds so gross but is seriously delicious. On Thanksgiving I grabbed 10 chips and downed some dip in quick succession without once thinking about how I am on a ‘no dairy’ diet right now. And don’t get me started on the chips, I’m going to have to go put them in my husbands car right now so I will be sure they are out of the house and I won’t be tempted by them!

  5. Omg the best!!! And “that guy” in action again!😂. I was there to attest to the almost empty bag on the counter at its last home, “trying” to hide behind some other not as yummy snacks! Great story!!!

  6. WCPPC just laugh and laugh while you try desperately to control your intake. Such a funny and relatable story 🙂 The struggle is real.

  7. Soooo funny! And yes relatable… had to stop getting the huge jug of jelly beans at Costco. It’s Costco’s fault, their containers are too big!

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