Whenever I book a flight, I always end up in Group 7.
Even when I check in 24 hours ahead of time, ON THE DOT!
Tappity-tappity-tap-tap-tap! (That’s me typing like a madman, hoping to beat my fellow passengers, and secure a decent boarding number.) But when my boarding pass pops up…
(Am I competing against professional typists?)
Group 7 is the equivalent of being picked last in PE.
Except the ticket agents are the captains, and not only do they NOT want me on their team, they don’t think I deserve overhead bin space.
But I’m not always in Group 7. Sometimes I’m Group E.
“E” as in… EVERYBODY gets to board, but you!
This is why I decided it was time to try a new airline…
When my boarding pass popped up last week, I almost fell out of my chair.
Are you kidding me?!
It was as if I were a silver medalist.
Delta likes me! They really like me!
I stood at my gate, beaming, boarding pass in hand, facing upward, in perfect scanning position.
“In just a few minutes, we will begin boarding,” the agent announced in a cheery voice.
I extended my arm back and positioned my carry-on so it was ready to roll. My right leg was forward, knee slightly bent. Obviously, I had already stretched.
“We will start with our Delta One passengers,” the agent gushed, blowing them kisses.
That must be their fancy name for First Class.
That’s okay, Main Cabin One will be next, and then, Moi!
After all the fancy pants people boarded, the agent announced, “Active Military, you may now board.” She saluted them.
Not going to argue that one. Also, thank you for your service.
I edged forward. Any moment she’ll be calling the good folks of Main Cabin #2.
“First Class and Delta Premium, you may now board.” The agent gave them a round of applause.
I thought Delta One was First Class?! And what’s this Delta Premium you speak of?
More fancy, smug people boarded.
But I didn’t lose faith. I knew I was close.
“We now invite our Diamond Medallion members to board,” the agent beamed.
I sighed.
As if I could compete with a club based on diamonds and medallions.
However, most of the Diamond Medallion members were wearing neither diamonds nor medallions, so obviously it was a club based on lies.
“Families with small children, you may now board,” the agent said, giving a thumbs up to the frazzled parents and their screaming toddler, who kept neither his hands nor his bronchial cough to himself.
But I had bigger problems. The herd had thinned and overhead bin space was diminishing. I knew I had to get the ball rolling.
I raised my fist in the air. “Main Cabin! Main Cabin! Main Cabin!” I chanted, trying to engage my fellow main cabin passengers. But they were a listless bunch, completely devoid of team spirit.
I slumped against a pillar as the agent welcomed, “Delta Comfort.”
Still smiling, but with her enthusiasm waning, she announced, “Sky Priority, you may board.”
A bunch of average Joes shuffled past me.
I’m losing to these guys?
“We will now board Main Cabin #1,” she said, forcing a smile.
The below-average Joes boarded.
When there was only us riff-raff left, the agent yawned, “Main Cabin #2… I guess.”
I dragged myself over to the agent. After scanning my boarding pass, she said, “We’re out of overhead bin space, so you’ll need to-”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I sighed, handing her my carry-on.
I guess that’s what happens when you’re in Main Cabin #2.
Which is the equivalent of Group 9.
Also known as Group I.
And we all know what “I” stands for…
I can’t believe I was excited about Main Cabin #2!
So hilarious as usual! That’s it—just so stinkin funny! Laughed my but it off!
So hilarious and relatable! I have the same experiences. Thanks for changing my frustrations into laughter!
This story was very funny and I had a good laugh when Jan was describing the Diamond and Medallion members, “However, most of the Diamond Medallion members were wearing neither diamonds nor medallions, so obviously it was a club based on lies”
Thanks for sharing your travel woes with rest of us in group ”you have to wait your turn till all others finish boarding.”
Right?! It’s not even worth trying to cram everything into a carry-on to avoid baggage claim because you’re going to end up there anyway! Take the big-ass suitcase, I say. Thanks for the laughs!
I too am always in the last boarding group! How does one get a boarding group? Funny story Jan!!!!!
Oh my gosh! So very nail on the head
As a “get there early, beat the crowd” person, this always frustrates me.
Another good one Jan.
Have you considered joining the military to increase your flying clout?
I just flew and we were in boarding group E – aka the least important people on the whole airplane haha. This story is unfortunately relatable, soo funny
I love how you can make even boarding a plane competitive… and of course, hilarious!
Story of my life! And then, when you do get on, everyone looks at you like you’re holding them up from leaving ! I will think of the story next time I’m boarding a plane and have a little laugh! Thanks Jan!
“Main cabin #2 … I guess.”

Another great one, January!
So hilarious and relatable! Thanks for turning my frustrations into laughter!
Thanks for getting my morning off to a happy start. I’m especially happy I’m not flying anywhere today!