My Nest Runneth Over- Part 1

My pregnant daughter, son-in-law, and their two dogs moved in with us recently.

The first week was wonderful; no arguments, no misunderstandings, not so much as a snarky comment was uttered.

Pure bliss.

Of course, my husband and I were on vacation the first week.

The second week was trickier.

It was all 7 of us (4 adults, 3 dogs) living under one quarantined roof.

Like Alcatraz, with puppies.

Some days were better than others.

Sometimes it was all of us laughing, joking, and cooking together.

Other times I was a raving lunatic because NOBODY KNOWS HOW TO TAKE OUT THE TRASH!

Correction: They knew how to take out the trash, but …

“I normally don’t take out the trash until it’s full,” my son-in-law informed me.

I eyed the mound of garbage bursting from its white plastic exterior.  

I guess we had different definitions of “full.”

Sometimes we took the dogs for a walk, and enjoyed the crisp spring evening together.

Other times the puppies were busy redecorating my rug.

I tried not to lose my mind as my daughter and son-in-law launched an investigation on which dog was the actual “Poopetrator.”

“Was it you, Buttons*?”

No response.

“Charlie*, did you do this?”


They waited patiently for an answer, but clearly, these mutts were taking the fifth.

This didn’t deter them, and the Q and A continued. (Actually, it was all Q, no A).

“Which one of you was it?”

Still, no A.

They eyed the pups, voices stern. “Somebody is going in their crate!”

Did it have to be a dog?

Sometimes we’d celebrate my daughter’s pregnancy by placing a piece of fruit on the table to signify the size of the growing baby. Last week, it was a grapefruit.

We all oohed and awed over the miracle of life!

Other times, that fruit turned into a mixer. 

Noticing the empty bowl, Quincey yelled, “Who ate my baby?!”  

I sipped my greyhound.

I have no idea.

Sometimes we snuggled on the couch, watching Tommy Boy, just for the fun of it.

Other times, we were on the couch, watching Knives Out, just for the…

Uh, oh…It appeared some of us were taking notes.

Should I be concerned?

*Names have been changed to protect the canines

20 thoughts on “My Nest Runneth Over- Part 1”

  1. Hillary Wilkinson

    I get so excited when I see one of your posts pop up in my email box!

    Thank you for the humor – my daughter (Morgan) was one of your students at Flory and I have followed you since –

  2. LOL!!!!! Looks like you are writing your quarantine chronicles…….can’t wait for the continuing saga. I will continue to pray that you don’t lose it!!!! LOL!!!! At least your outlet isn’t rearranging your carpet. Way to keep your head up. 😉

  3. Hilarious January! I love your posts and look forward to the continuing saga of “As the coronavirus turns”. Congrats on your publication also

  4. What a delightful fresh breath of (quarantine) air! Loved this and was happy to see the “Part 1,” which means there’s more coming 🙂 Thanks for keeping us laughing, Miss January! If you ever just need to run away, you know where I live. Welcome mat is always out.

  5. I sooo love your real life stories! This one is a hoot!!! And love the final disclaimer—names changed to protect the canines! The humans are troopers!

  6. Lorraine Moustakakis

    So many favorite lines in this story, it’s hard to pick out just a few. From now on I’m going to refer to my dogs as “Poopetrator #1” and “Poopetrator 2.”And in honor of your grandbaby, I think I’ll make a round of greyhounds this weekend. I’m smiling as I think about your cleverness and wit, and how you make all this isolation much more bearable. Thank you, January. We love your stories!!!!

  7. January, thank you so much for the laughs! Your humorous take on life in quarantine … priceless. Love it!

  8. Alexa Moustakakis

    Quarantining in your house doesn’t seem boring at all. Do you have space for another family member?

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