Dazed and Konfused

I was on the phone with Maggie, the customer service agent who was assisting me with an upcoming flight.

“I’ll need your 7-digit confirmation code,” Maggie said.

You got it, Maggie.


Maybe it’s just me, but I enjoy a good confirmation code.

Assigning words to letters.

If that’s not fun, then I don’t know fun.

And I’m no Alpha-Beta-Charlie. 

I like to add a little pizazz to my words.

“When you’re ready,” Maggie said.

I cleared my throat.

“B as in Boy,” I began.

I smacked myself.

B as in boy? 

That’s like the opposite of pizzazz.

“D as in daffodil,” I said.

Throw in some nature, that’s better.

But let’s take it up a notch.

“S as in serendipitous.”

That’s what I’m talking about.

(Please don’t ask me to use it in a sentence.)

But just as I was about to say the fourth letter…

 I froze.

K as in…?

K as in…?

I expected a flood of K words, but all that came to me was..


And also, Killing!

Let’s not forget its murderous cousin, Killer.

I was literally on a killing spree.

(Not literally. No one died during this call.)

Okay, think! 

Non-aggressive K words.

Come on, you only need one…


K as in Kardashian?

Maggie will think I’m Krazy.

And then out of nowhere, a K word finally appeared…


Well, there’s a phonetic fail.

But once I thought of Knock, that took me right to Knack.

And more specifically, “The Knack.”

I wonder what Sharona is up to these days.

But this was no time for one-hit-wonders. 

I needed an appropriate K word.


That’s definitely not okay.

“I’m sorry, Ma’am, are you still there?” Maggie asked.

“Uh, yeah…” I trailed off.

Why couldn’t I think of ONE K word?

Didn’t we learn K words in Kindergarten?

“Okay, just to confirm, we have B as in boy, D as in daffodil, S as in serendipitous and…” Maggie prompted me in an encouraging tone.

Clearly, she believed in me.

I’m sorry, Maggie, I know you had high hopes for me.

“I don’t know,” I sighed, defeated. “K as in…”

“Kitten,” Maggie said, not missing a beat.

That Maggie was a real wordsmith.

And also, kind of a show-off.

Finally, we moved on to the numerical portion of the confirmation code.

“5… 1… 2,” I recited.

Nailed it!

A few minutes later, Maggie and I wrapped up our conversation and as soon as I hung up…






Where were those words five minutes ago?

Who knows?

I guess I was just Konfused.

13 thoughts on “Dazed and Konfused”

  1. Look at you, making everybody’s day better, including mine 🙂 I love this story, especially the clearing of the throat, like you’re getting geared up to perform an aria or something. Nobody does confirmation codes quite like you.

    1. 😂Knock!!😂I’m subbing in kindergarten today, so … yeah. “T” words today. Thanks for the laugh, January!

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