Short Stories


Flight 170 from Burbank to Seattle had trouble written all over it. “Folks, it appears there is a significant storm developing,” the ticket agent announced. “We’re going to board immediately, in order to beat the storm. I sure hope we win. As promised, my husband and I were quickly herded onto the plane. The next

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Pharmacy Fun

Last week I went to the pharmacy. A pharmacy story! This should be a wild ride. Kimia, the pharmacist, asked me the standard questions. I gave her my prescription and she began to type.  And type.  And type some more.  I looked around. Five minutes later, Kimia was still pressing keys. Maybe I wasn’t clear.

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Those People

I don’t really care for those people. This woman is a racist. Let me clarify, when I talk about those people, I’m referring to bikers. Not the ones on Hogs, they’re cool.  The ones on bicycles. But my daughter rides a bike, up and down our driveway, pedaling her precious little legs. Simmer down, your

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I had a cough recently. Oh please, tell me more.  But you don’t understand. This wasn’t your average joe cough. If coughs were sharks, this was Megalodon. It ignored antibiotics. It scoffed at humidifiers. Cough drops were merely child’s play. But the worst part was the sound, like tuberculosis and long term smoking. It was

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Do you know who the best people in the world are? Nuns? Buddhist monks? Trader Joe’s employees? Airbnb hosts. These gracious people rent out their homes to tourists, welcoming us with open arms and bottles of wine. They tell us all the sights we simply must see. During our stay, they promptly respond to any

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